ash installation Stadtreinigung Hamburgemvau-schlacke mole right cutbutton video emvau-schlacke in actionbutton photo gallery emvau-schlacke construction projectsLogo emvau-schlacke 25 Jahre, white

emvau-schlacke: alternative building material with excellent price-performance ratio

due to weather-independent + rational building as well as low delivery prices (up to 40 % lower building costs)


The trend in all industries is towards consistent recycling. There is no way around this, especially in the construction industry. The Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act underlines this. Quality-monitored emvau-schlacke protects the environment by avoiding the mining of natural resources such as gravel and sand. And the fact that emvau-schlacke is produced in the greater Hamburg area means that there are no long transport routes for natural raw materials.

More than 4,000 reference objects

Since 1994, the founding year of the Hanseatische Schlackenkontor, emvau-schlacke has been used in more than 4,000 reference projects. These include such renowned projects as the Altenwerder container terminal in the port of Hamburg, the “Polizeistern” in Hamburg and logistics centres from Kühne & Nagel.

Study proves quality

A scientific study by KM GmbH für Straßenbau- und Umwelttechnik (KM GmbH for Road Construction and Environmental Technology) has investigated the possible applications of HMV ash from the Hanseatische Schlackenkontor in road construction and earthworks, taking into account construction and environmental aspects. The result is extremely positive. According to a statement by Öko-Institut e.V., the situation in Hamburg is described as “exemplary” and “groundbreaking for the whole of Germany”.


Authorized dealer for emvau building materials