

HSK GmbH has five shareholders. The largest share is held by SRH Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, whose sole shareholder is Stadtreinigung Hamburg – an institution under public law.

Hanseatisches Schlackenkontor GmbH (HSK GmbH) supports Hanseatisches Schlackenkontor ARGE Distribution (HSK ARGE Vertrieb) and its retailers in marketing and sales. It guarantees the take-back of emvau building materials during dismantling measures and has the mission to develop new building material products based on household waste incineration ash (emvau-schlacke) and to expand the application possibilities of this building material.

HSK ARGE Distribution

HSK ARGE Distribution consists of 6 shareholders who, as retailers, process concrete offers and orders.

HSK GmbH and HSK ARGE Distribution together ensure that the proven emvau-schlacke is available as a cost-effective building material in sufficient quantity and quality.

The employees of ARGE Vertrieb are happy to advise on technical issues in specific construction projects.


structure: HSK GmbH - HSK ARGE - producers