
Shareholder structure of HSK GmbH
SRH Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH – Ein Unternehmen
der Stadtreinigung Hamburg
Müllverwertung Borsigstraße GmbH (MVB)
MVR Müllverwertung
Rugenberger Damm GmbH & Co. KG
Schlackenhandel Stellingen GmbH (SHS)
Schlackenvertrieb Hamburg GmbH (SVH) Schlackenvertrieb Hamburg
The shareholders MVB, MVR, SHS and SVH each hold a share of 16.67 percent in HSK GmbH, while SRH holds a share of 33.33 percent.
Shareholder structure of HSK ARGE Distribution
Karl Böttger GmbH Logo Böttger
Buhck GmbH & Co. KG Logo Buhck
Otto Dörner
Kies & Deponien GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
Logo Otto Dörner
Eggers Tiefbau GmbH Logo Eggers
ETH Mineralien und Recyclingbaustoffe GmbH Logo ETH
Kluczinski GmbH Logo Kluczinski
All shareholders directly involved in HSK ARGE Distribution each hold a share of 16,67 %.

The links give you the opportunity to visit the websites of companies and institutions that have a relationship to the building material emvau-schlacke as well as to Hanseatisches Schlackenkontor GmbH or Hanseatisches Schlackenkontor ARGE Distribution.